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group classes

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〰️ Ready to Join? Here’s What You Need to Know! 〰️


Who Can Join?

Everyone is welcome! Whether you're a complete beginner or you've been practicing for years, there’s a class for you. My sessions are designed to be inclusive and adaptable, so you can practice at your own comfort level.


What to Bring?

Just bring yourself, your yoga mat, and a bottle of water! If you don’t have a mat, no worries—let me know in advance, and I’ll arrange one for you. Comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely are a must. For those who like to use props like blocks or straps, feel free to bring them along!


What to Expect?

Each class starts with some grounding breaths to set the tone, followed by a warm-up to get your body moving. Depending on the style of class, we’ll flow through sequences that build strength, flexibility, and balance, all while staying mindful of your body’s needs. We’ll end with a cool-down and a short relaxation to leave you feeling refreshed and recharged.

  • Morning Flow classes are gentle and energizing, perfect for starting your day with calm and focus.

  • Strong Vinyasa is all about power and flow, ideal for those who love a challenge.

  • Zdrowy Kręgosłup focuses on strengthening your back and improving posture, great for anyone with a sedentary lifestyle or back issues.

Your Responsibility
Yoga is a personal journey, and it’s important to listen to your body throughout the practice. You are responsible for making sure that you move within your own limits. If you ever feel discomfort or pain, it’s important to back off or modify the pose. Don’t hesitate to ask for guidance during class! Always honor where your body is today—remember, this is your practice.

How to Sign Up?

  • For English classes, pre-registration is required! Just shoot me a message via email or DM to save your spot.

  • If you’re joining a class at Venus Fitness and Dance in Mierzyn, sign up through Fitssey.

  • For classes at All About Dance Studio Szczecin, all the details and registration are available on their homepage.




CoLibre Dance Atelier 

pl. Plac Zwycięstwa 1,

70-233 Szczecin

All About Dance Studio

ul. B. Krzywoustego 34/1-2

70-316 Szczecin

Venus Pole Dance Studio

ul. Welecka 1a, 72-006 Mierzyn

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